Wednesday 24 April 2019

Writing to my MP about Brexit - Response to Letter #2

This is the response as received

Dear Keith,

Thank you for your reply.

I am opposed to a second referendum as it is a clearly a vehicle to stop Brexit that is being pushed by staunch remain politicians. The leading people behind the People’s Vote campaign and those in Parliament who have tried to legislate for one are all pro-Remain people who are trying to find a way of reversing the result of 2016. I am happy for people to advocate being in the EU, but we should at least deliver the result of the first referendum before we start looking at other votes.

I also appreciate that no-deal is not perfect. It would bring short term disruption, however, many of the myths peddled by Project Fear have unravelled as both the UK and the EU carry out their no-deal planning. Just last month we saw the Department for Transport announcing that flights to and from the EU will carry on as normal, even though Remain politicians and commentators have said that flight would be grounded. EU ports are also ready for a no-deal scenario. I also support a no-deal outcome in the absence of a deal because we are able to implement a no-deal transition under WTO rules, whereby tariffs remain at zero whilst a free trade agreement is implemented.

I hope this is helpful.

Kind regards,

Suella Braverman MP
Member of Parliament for Fareham

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